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          I’m a student journalist at the University of North Texas currently working towards a bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Journalism with a minor in Psychology. 


          In high school, I was fortunate enough to be involved in a media technology program that allowed me to compete in the SkillsUSA Broadcast news category. When I first got involved in the media technology program at my school, I did not realize how much it would impact my world view. I learned from wonderful teachers about the importance of meeting deadlines. I learned sometimes the best way to learn something is to immerse yourself in it and figure it out as you go. 


           In my Junior year of high school, I moved on to the Advanced Media Program where I learned how to write stories for our daily school news broadcast and weekly live Fort Worth ISD broadcast. I also learned how to work a switcher and direct a live news broadcast. More than anything I learned how to be adaptive within the program as things changed. This program opened a lot of doors to me that I never imagined would be possible. For example, I was fortunate enough to have been allowed to be an announcer for the XTO Energy Parade of Lights in 2017, compete as a news Director twice at a national level, and work alongside CBS meteorologist Jeff Jamison at a Fort Worth ISD Whiz Quiz broadcast.  


         My most current experiences at UNT involve volunteering at my college’s news station NTTV. For the station, I have worked as an MMJ producing day turn original news content for the newscasts. Previously, I wrote news stories for their website as a Digital Content Editor. NTTV also allowed me to maintain my production skills as an audio engineer for the noon newscast and I also volunteered with the evening news live shot crew during my sophomore year of college. I plan to immerse myself in various journalism roles throughout college to gain more hands-on experience to build a solid foundation for my future career. 


         In the future, I would love to work as a News Director, Radio Personality, Investigative Reporter, or anything related to journalism. While I am still exploring the many journalism career options, I know I want to help people in whatever way I can. As a journalist, I understand the sort of superpower a good writer holds and how shining a light on the stories of the voiceless is essential. I would also like to utilize my psychology minor in some way as a journalist. Whether it be in the way I talk to people or work directly with organizations that provide counseling services to the general public. 

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